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Noriyo Tateno Japanese Women's Wrestling WWO-25-03 | Highlights Approx. Run Time 7 min.. Product #: hii_WWO-25-03 Regular price: $5.95 $5.95

Japanese Women's Wrestling WWO-25-03 | Highlights

Japanese Women’s Professional Wrestling
hii_WWO-25-03 Approx. Run Time 7 min
1. D. Masami & N. Tateno & S. Paniko VS. D. Matsumoto & Y. Saito & R. Moreno (3 Way Tag Team)1986
The tough Mexicans star in tow six girl tag team matches and in the third 6 girl match a bloodbath takes place as the meanest women of Japan attack each other with anything they can get their hands on, as the reff runs for his life! This exciting line up will prove that the Japanese women are the fiercest Amazons in the World!

1. D. Masami & N. Tateno & S. Paniko VS.
D. Matsumoto & Y. Saito & R. Moreno (3 Way Tag Team)1986

3 on 3 Tag team with some very angry Japanese women wrestlers. One of the girls brings in a long cane and the brawl is on! Seems like there are no rules in this match is these girls just brutally assaulted each other from pillar to post in the ring and all over the audience floor! If you like big women you`ll love this free for all, wild and ruthless Wrestling tag team match. It`s hard to bring these big girls down, But these smaller, athletic and very skilled Japanese fighters are up for the game.


Product Name Reg. Price Member Price Action
Japanese Women's Wrestling WWO-25-03 | Highlights
* Regular Price:






Mem. Download: $5.35