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Yukari Omori Japanese Women's Wrestling WWO-25-05-06 | Highlights Approx. Run Time 5 min.. Product #: hii_WWO-25-05-06 Regular price: $5.95 $5.95

Japanese Women's Wrestling WWO-25-05-06 | Highlights

Japanese Women’s Professional Wrestling
hii_WWO-25-05-06 Approx. Run Time 5 min
1. L. Gonzalez & R. Moreno VS. C. Nagayo & N. Santori (2 Way Tag Team)
2. C. Nagayo & N. Santori & M. Kaziko VS. D. Masami & Y. Omori & S. Paniko (3 Way Tag Team)
1. L. Gonzalez & R. Moreno VS. C. Nagayo & N. Santori (2 Way Tag Team)
2. C. Nagayo & N. Santori & M. Kaziko VS.
D. Masami & Y. Omori & S. Paniko (3 Way Tag Team)

First we have a 2 on 2 Tag Team where champions are out to defend their belt. The contenders are greedy to get it back and ignoring all the rules! They fight dirty from the start and there is not much the Ref can do to stop them! Non-stop, high flying, body slamming heart pounding action! The end of the match comes as a huge double body slam off the top rope finally gets one tag team pinned. A spectacular finish!

Next is a 3 on 3 Tag Team. These Japanese women wrestlers know how to bring it on with crushing blow`s, tests of strengths, high flying bodies slams, backbreakers, top rope splashes, DDTs, barefaced punching, clotheslines, drop kicks, bull dogs, suplexes, to a with huge, fast and violent finish!


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Japanese Women's Wrestling WWO-25-05-06 | Highlights
* Regular Price:






Mem. Download: $5.35