Vintage 50's & 60's

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Sue Sexton Vintage 50’s &, 60’s str_VA-50-14-01 | Download Approx. Run Time 29 min.. Product #: str_VA-50-14-01 Regular price: $18.90 $18.90

Vintage 50’s &, 60’s str_VA-50-14-01 | Download

Match Competitors: 1. Jackie West (White Suit) & Sharon Lee Vs Aggie Henry (Blonde) & Yvonne Jennings
2. Marlene (Orange Suit) Vs Rhonda Singh
3. Sue Sexton vs. Yvonne Jennings
Vintage Professional Women’s Wrestling
str_VA-50-14-01 Approx. Run Time 29 min
1 Tag Team Match, 2 Pro Girls Matches

Another silent 8mm film digital transfer of Mildred Burke’s films of the 50’s, 60’s & 70’s. Millie knew what men wanted and had pretty blonde Lynn Black battle Cheryl Day in lingerie in an apartment house match. Also we see here Rhonda Singh in two early matches with Marlene and then Cheryl Day. Millie trained Rhonda, sent her to Japan where she became “Monster Ripper” to the Japs and Rhonda stayed in the Orient for almost her entire career.


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Vintage 50’s &, 60’s str_VA-50-14-01 | Download

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Mem. Download: $17.00