Women's Wrestling (Pro-AM)

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Ariel Ariel vs. Jade | Download Approx. Run Time 27 min.. Product #: str_sk-310-02 Regular price: $18.90 $18.90

Ariel vs. Jade | Download

Women’s Wrestling – Competitive
str_sk-310-02 Approx. Run Time 27 min
The ever sexy and talented, Ariel in a pink tiger stripped bikini takes on the beautiful tough Asian girl Jade in a competitive women`s wrestling match. Jade quickly bear hugs Ariel who is 30lbs lighter than Jade, and slams her hard to the floor. Ariel is no stranger to pain and her determination has her on the prowl. Jade is strong and nimble. Both women dish out the pain in this tight and very competitive match with squeezing head scissors, slamming arm bars, and stomach punches. Ariel’s strong sexy legs clamp on to Jade, leaving her gasping for air. Jade has the most powerful kicks in the business and assaults Ariel with Angel’s wings, back breakers, lifts, body slams and more punishment as this hot competitive match rages on. A big and powerful arm bar slam slows down one competitor enabling the victor to get her into an Iron Cross and force a submission. The winner humiliates the loser and poses in victory! . This is a devastating and furious fight between two very tough competitors.


Wrestlers : Ariel, Jade
Product Name Reg. Price Member Price Action
Ariel vs. Jade | Download
* Regular Price:






Mem. Download: $17.00