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Japanese Women`s Wrestling - Combat - Warriors

Japanese Women`s Wrestling - Combat - Warriors
The most feared Women Wrestling Warriors on the Planet! These Female Fighters are the ultimate masters of all the wrestling holds, from bone crushing mat wrestling, to unbelievable aerial maneuvers. Japanese Women's Wrestling Combat! Filmed before huge crowds. Japanese Women`s Wrestling (All Rights Reserved). Enjoy our Collection!

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Japanese-Tape WWO-3 - clip 8
Japanese Professional Women`s Wrestling

Japanese-Tape WWO-20 - Clip 5
American Pros vs. Japanese Pros
1. Winona Little Heart Vs Jackie Sato
2. Judy Martin & Tenjin Masami & Mami Kumano Vs Rimi Yokota & Seiko Hanawa & Chino Sato
3. Rucy Kayama Vs Joyce Grable

Japanese-Tape WWO-14 - Clip 1
Japanese Professional Women`s Wrestling
1. Chigusa Nagayo & Lioness Asuka Vs Itsuki Yamazaki & Yukari Omori

Japanese-Tape WWO-1 - clip 3
Japanese Professional Women`s Wrestling

Japanese-Tape WWO-1 - clip 2
Japanese Professional Women`s Wrestling

Japanese Tape WWO-24 - Clip 7
Japanese Women's Wrestling
Noriyo Tateno Vs Bull Matsuma

Japanese-Tape WWO-9 - clip 4
Japanese Professional Women`s Wrestling

Japanese Women's Wrestling | DVD
3 Tag Teams - 6 Pro Girl, Japanese Professional Women`s Wrestling Matches
DVD | WWO-04 Approx. Run Time 117 min