Vintage 50's & 60's

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Jane O’Brien Vintage 50’s, 60’s & 70's str_VA-50-13-03 | Download Approx. Run Time 24 min.. Product #: str_VA-50-13-03 Regular price: $18.90 $18.90

Vintage 50’s, 60’s & 70's str_VA-50-13-03 | Download

Match Competitors: 1. Mitsuru Nakasa Vs Laura Del Rio (Orange Suit)
2. Aggie Henry (Blonde) Vs Laura Del Rio
3. Laura Del Rio (Pink Suit) Vs Lita Marez (Orange Suit)
Classic Professional Women`s Wrestling
str_VA-50-13-03 Approx. Run Time 24 min
This is a classic professional women`s wrestling tape with matches from the late 50s and the 60s. Matches 5, 6, 7 and 9 are some of the most intense ring warfare we’ve ever seen. The boxing match is bruising--and as you will see, Jane O’Brien and Perla Nieto know how to box and slug. The tag team bout is also a classic--these girls wrestle for real. If you worked for Mildred Burke she made you fight for the money, and fight they do! It’s once again silent but brutal.


Product Name Reg. Price Member Price Action
Vintage 50’s, 60’s & 70's str_VA-50-13-03 | Download
* Regular Price:






Mem. Download: $17.00