Mixed Wrestling Topless

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Goldie Goldie vs. Lindsey | Download Approx. Run Time 38 min.. Product #: str_SK-249-01 Regular price: $18.90 $18.90

Goldie vs. Lindsey | Download

Sexy Female Wrestling Catfight
str_SK-249-01 Approx. Run Time 38 min
As soon as these two voluptuous super vixens hit the screen in this Steel Kittens female wrestling catfight video, you know something is brewing between them. Goldie and Lindsey are dressed for a night out clubbing, in dresses, heels, and pantyhose. But they’re definitely not going to have any fun together!

Goldie has had it with Lindsey trying to seduce her husband and is ready for revenge. A furious fight ensues and breasts break free almost immediately. Dresses are torn off, then the women are down to nothing but those sheer hose! Breast torture is combined with leg locks, scissor holds, and a lot of anger! Lindsey may be the bigger girl, but Goldie is the wronged woman and she will have her revenge.

Goldie keeps pounding, straddling, choking, and cussing away! Lacking the determination or righteous anger of her rival, Lindsey soon tires enough to let her guard down and for Goldie to dominate. Both the girls use their long, sexy legs to their best advantage to tease and torture the other. This female wrestling catfight is an awesome treat for fans of large breasts and panty hose!


Wrestlers : Goldie, Lindsey
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Goldie vs. Lindsey | Download

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