Women's Wrestling (Pro-AM)

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Cheryl "Lightning" Rusa DVD: Harley's Little Angels II - Biker's Challenge Approx. Run Time 45 min.. Product #: SK-CVP-17 Regular price: $19.95 $19.95

DVD: Harley's Little Angels II - Biker's Challenge

Hollywood, Sasha, Cheryl, Lady Victoria, Stormy, Stacy
Pro-Am Female Wrestling: 6 Girl Tag Team
SK-CVP-17 Approx. Run Time 45 min
What could be more spectacular than two groups of biker gangs battling for superiority? This awesome pro-am female wrestling match features two gangs of biker mamas meeting in a ring to settle the issue of who will carry the skull and crossbones flag!

Tami, Cheryl, and Lady Victoria, the "Bodacious Biker Broads" enter the arena on their Harleys, waving the giant flag, which they intend to defend at all costs. The "Black Widows" soon follow, a team formed of Hollywood, Denise and Tiffany. The Black Widows throw a chair into the ring, scream epithets at their opponents, and then the wildest battle of biker bitches begins.

Tami begins the action for the "Bodacious" team, and she quickly becomes the victim of the killer instinct that drives these women bikers to prove that they are just as evil as the Hell`s Angels. She is dragged from the ring by Hollywood and Tiffany, choked, and her hair is pulled from the roots. Once the referee restores order, Hollywood shows Cheryl what a real pro-am female wrestling fight is like. The evil blonde pounds Cheryl`s head unmercifully into the mat, chokes her, and leaves her gasping, then throws her into the ringpost where she is held upright by Hollywood`s cohorts. Hollywood then unleashes a savage kick straight to Cheryl`s groin, which almost destroys her womanhood. Cheryl is left rolling in pain on the mat, shrieking with agony. She rises and manages to trap Hollywood in a deadlock--and as she reverses the hold, she kicks Hollywood violently in her unprotected soft bosom.

Lady Victoria rescues the little brunette biker and then takes revenge on Hollywood with a series of monstrous holds as she batters the gorgeous blonde bitch all over the mat. Soon, all six of the girls are in and out of the ring at once, and the referee loses complete control of the contest. The pro-am female wrestling battle rages on for over 15 minutes more in one of the most violent displays of female cruelty and destruction you will ever see. Bodies are thrown to the concrete, hair is pulled from heads, and limbs are twisted with merciless holds. The referee finally declares one team the winner, which only starts another melee with both groups of biker bitches violently fighting for the skull and crossbones flag, the symbol of superiority.

Only total defeat will satisfy these wild women, and finally the losers are thrown into the middle of the ring and piled one on top of the other in a final and semi-conscious battered state. As the pile of beaten victims remains unmoving in the ring, the winners triumphantly leave the arena waving their victory flag. They rev up their Hogs and drive off, leaving behind 3 brutalized women and a shocked audience!


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DVD: Harley's Little Angels II - Biker's Challenge

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