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C.J. Taylor DVD: Damage Control Approx. Run Time 40 min.. Product #: SK-142 Regular price: $19.95 $19.95

DVD: Damage Control

Gary vs C.J. Taylor * Chuck vs Christy E.
Mixed Wrestling Match: Topless
SK-142 Approx. Run Time 40 min
C.J., in a yellow bikini, meets smaller Gary in a toe to toe mixed wrestling battle. C.J. applies a crushing leg scissors to Gary’s stomach and head--but as Gary escapes he drops C.J. to the mat and knees her in the back. The fight is even, and after eluding more monkey flips and body presses, Gary rolls C.J. on her belly, racks her with blows, and rips off her top. The ropes then become Gary’s torture chamber and he is tossed from corner to corner until, weakened and grunting, he becomes a victim of a smashing head scissors. C.J. rolls him over, presses her firm round breasts into his face, and prepares him for a final suffocating pin. The victor proudly puts her foot on a panting chest.

Chuck then meets Christy E., who not only outweighs him but is also a more experienced grappler. It’s airplane spins, stomach scissors, and monkey flips for Chuck until he is tossed into a corner and draped over the ropes. Christy promptly knees him repeatedly in the groin and punches him at will until the smaller male drops helplessly to the mat. Each time he attempts to get a hold on Christy, her powerful legs smash his intentions. Tortured on the ropes, Chuck howls with fright as Christy prepares him for the final dismantling. A front and back face-sit, cutting off his air and will to fight, leaves a pitiful beaten male in center ring. A great day for the women in coed wrestling!


Wrestlers : C.J. Taylor, Christy E.
Product Name Reg. Price Member Price Action
DVD: Damage Control
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DVD Product: $24.95