Wrestler Stats: 5'8" 135 lbs
Seen in: Female Wrestling Catfights, Amateur Female Wrestling, Pro-Amateur Female Wrestling, and Special Interest Womens Wrestling
Biography: Dina got into wrestling from a friend who urged her to give it a try. With the "You only live once attitude", this swimsuit beauty pageant winner, with titles like "Miss Body Beautiful", and "Miss Miller Highlife" took the amateur female wrestling scene by storm. Always an athlete, at 5'8" this statuesque beauty quickly became a star. Mysterious, with a bad-ass attitude, the Steel Kittens ring is a perfect outlet for her Dina and that attitude comes alive, as this girl fighter uses dirty tactics on Sue Sexton with the intent on doing serious damage to the X-World Champ! Always adventurous, Dina lubes it up in a Mixed Oil Wrestling match where she gives her male opponents way too much to handle. She is also featured in several other wonderful Fantasy female wrestling matches. Her favorite wrestler of all time is none other than "The Rock". Why, because she say's he is genetically blessed, an athlete, intelligent and dedicated to family, much like herself.
DVD: Dina’s Demise