Pro Style Women's Wrestling

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Belle Christine vs. Belle | Download-Streaming Approx. Run Time 29 min.. Product #: str_SK-205-02 Regular price: $18.90 $18.90

Christine vs. Belle | Download-Streaming

Professional Women`s Wrestling
str_SK-205-02 Approx. Run Time 29 min
This Pro Style women`s wrestling match starts with the gorgeous Belle awaiting the arrival of Christine, a kick-boxing veteran who accuses Belle of stealing her title shot. The submission only match starts with a test of strength, and Belle wins out. She then attacks Christine with a variety of rapid moves. Christine escapes the onslaught, grabs Belle’s golden tresses, and hurls her into corner ring where she knees Belle in the stomach and hammers her legs with knee drops as Belle screams in pain. Belle is pushed back in the corner where she is slapped, punched, and kicked in the groin. Slumping to the mat, Belle clutches her wounded private parts and is an easy victim to Christine’s dirty assault. A figure 4 headlock causes Belle to submit.

Fall 2 is more of the same destruction by Christine until Belle counters with a fierce camel clutch that forces a howling Christine to submit. The bell rings for fall 3, which is completely dominated by an angry Christine, as Belle tries valiantly to ward her off. A totally destroyed female groans as the winner brutalizes her opponent, who has conceded four times, all of them ignored. Hard fought, non-stop action professional women`s wrestling you certainly won’t want to miss!


Wrestlers : Belle, Christine "Tenea"
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Christine vs. Belle | Download-Streaming

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