Mixed Wrestling Topless

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Wrestler Stats: 5'5" 130lbs
Seen In: Female Wrestling
Biography: Cheyenne's an attractive and a popular female wrestler. She's skilled, very athletic and extremely strong. She enjoys all sports from pole dancing and riding wild horses. Perhaps her biggest advantage over most of her female opponents is her incredibly strong arms. Her headlocks are definitely feared! But her opponents also fear her strong legs and know that once they get wrapped around them, they are finished!
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DVD: Baby Doll Blues
Approx. Run Time 45 min

Cheyenne vs. Jade | Download
Approx. Run Time 26 min

Sin City Sessions: Female Wrestling 338 - Clip 4
Female Wrestling Nude Session
Cheyenne Jewel vs. Torah

Sin City Sessions: Female Wrestling 338 - Clip 3
Female Wrestling Nude Session
Cheyenne Jewel vs. Torah

Sin City Sessions: Female Wrestling 338 - Clip 2
Female Wrestling Nude Session
Cheyenne Jewel vs. Torah

Sin City Sessions: Female Wrestling 338 - Clip 1
Female Wrestling Nude Session
Cheyenne Jewel vs. Torah

Sin City Session: Female Wrestling Vol. I - Clip 3
Semi N*de Female Wrestling
Cheyenne vs. Sierra