Female Wrestler: Onyx, Interview
How did you get your start in Wrestling? WOW women of wrestling audition.
Any hero’s in the business? Jet Li
Where were you trained to wrestle? PPW, WOW, UPW
Any favorite coaches or mentors? Jake Shannon with PPW.
What is your favorite style of wrestling? MMA.
What is your favorite move and finishing hold? Rock Bottom and Choke out.
What other combat skills to you have and enjoy? Swat
Any comments on your first bout? Pay attention!
With whom have you had your best bouts at Steel Kittens? And why? One of my best matches was with Raquel. I let her know for sure that she’s not going to change me. That woman drives me nutts. My match with Belle was tough, but one of my best ever.
What are some of your personal career highlights? BA Degree, Pay Per View, Feature films, Spiderman.
Any major Injuries? Thank God, No!
What is your training discipline? Be tough hang in there.
What are your future plans or career goals? Superstar Action Heroine.
Fast Facts:
What are your interests outside the ring? Hikes, bikes, traveling, kitties and sunsets.
Favorite Desert? Chocolate Cake.
Favorite Food? Salmon.
Favorite Band? Seal
Favorite Movie? Pirates of Caribbean.
Favorite Car? Escalade.
Favorite Store? Ross.
Favorite Drink? Mojotos.