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Christine "Tenea" Female Wrestling | WWC-W47 | Download Women's Wrestling Convention Circa 2000Krissy Vs. Christine.. Product #: str_sk-wwc-w47 Regular price: $18.90 $18.90

Female Wrestling | WWC-W47 | Download

Women's Wrestling Convention Circa 2000
Krissy Vs. Christine
Female Wrestling - Competitive Grappling
str_sk-wwc-w47 Approx. 18min.
Hot Wrestling Babes in Red White and Blue Bikinis bring it on! Krissy is a highly skilled female mat wrestler, with her beautiful looks she is always a treat to see on the screen, but you got to love this girls wrestling skills! Christine is always one heck of a player in any match she is in, but these two together are really hot eye candy. Fiery reversals and suffocating pins make for an intense and exciting female wrestling match. Sorry, guys, we were not able to get the last few minutes of the finish of this match, but what you will see will certainly make you want to watch it over and over again!
From our Private Collection, Steel Kittens presents the Women's Wrestling Convention, 1999. Shot ringside! Digitized from Hi 8 & Super 8 film.
Wrestlers : Christine "Tenea"
Product Name Reg. Price Member Price Action
Female Wrestling | WWC-W47 | Download
* Regular Price:






Mem. Download: $17.00